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Experience workshop
‘Financial Literacy’
Join Malvern College Tokyo's Experience Workshops and Empower Your Child's Financial Future!
At Malvern College Tokyo, we believe that financial literacy is a crucial skill that should be developed from an early age. We are committed to nurturing well-rounded individuals and have incorporated essential finance education into our curriculum.
We believe in the importance of financial literacy, and it is an important part of our curriculum. On 20th April 2024, we are offering financial literacy focused workshops for different age groups as part of our experience programme. Each workshop is designed to be energetic and hands-on, aligning with Malvern College Tokyo's ethos of cultivating a love of learning from a young age. Our talented, experienced and highly qualified educators will teach children essential finance concepts and skills in an age-appropriate manner.
While children immerse themselves in the world of finance, parents will meet with the school’s Senior Leadership Team to learn more about the College in general and specifically learn about our commitment to a holistic education, which includes concepts such ad financial literacy, sustainability and entrepreneurship.
This is great opportunity to learn more about Malvern College Tokyo! Don't miss this opportunity to empower your child's financial future. Register now to reserve their spot!
Malvern Experience Workshop: ‘Financial Literacy’
Date: Saturday 20th April 2024
Time: 10.30 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: Malvern College Tokyo
Please click the button below to sign up for our Financial Literacy workshop.